#Blogmas - if that's a thing....

by - December 01, 2015


....it is actually, as a quick Twitter search has revealed! Here's how it works (well, how I'm gonna do it): On each day of December, I'll do my very best to post a teeny tiny snapshot of my day, in words, obviously, but pictures are welcome, too. Of course, I'll also be posting my regular stuff, so be super excited to hear a lot from me this month!

Enough with the administrative blah blah, here we go!

Last year, my mom had made the unauthorized decision that I was too old to need an advent calendar anymore. I, however, did not share that opinion, and when I didn't see a calendar on the morning of 1st of December, I was understandably unamused. I might have acted like a grumpy five year old, but my memory of that isn't very specific. Anyways, call me spoiled, but when I came home that day, guess what was hanging on the kitchen wall. It really only takes 24 small pieces of chocolate to make me happy.
So this year, I made it very clear yet again that I would be very sad (warning stare as a reminder how much of a five year old I can be) if I didn't get an advent calendar, and this morning I was pleased to see I got a fancy Milka one! Again, doesn't take much to satisfy me.

Right now, I'm trying to figure out if I should splurge on a mani today. The weather is positively awful, but so are my nails, and it is my birthday tomorrow (in case you've been living under a rock you haven't thrown at me yet for being so annoying about it)....

To stay on that lovely subject, I am going to bake a cake today! I can count the number of cakes I have made myself in my whole life on one hand. So wish me luck.

What else you do on the day before your birthday: Paint your nails, fan out your dress, hope for a good movie that'll make the time  till bed go by faster and giggle yourself to sleep.
I've got a tight schedule. See you tomorrow.


Rosy Smith

Ps: 18's been beautiful.

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