Human (I got my nails done)....Blogmas Day 15

by - December 15, 2015

....I have absolutely horrendous nails. It's not that mother nature carelessly made them inferior - they can be perfectly fine, but I'm not very good at keeping them that way. I fiddle on them when I need to keep my fingers occupied, which is the case most of the time. Taking care of cuticles? What? And if I try to be good and file them and put nail polish on myself, I'll be walking around happily for about three days, and then be too stressed to look for my remover, so I'd rather have scruffy, partly polished nails for three weeks straight until I get around to have them done. So, today was the big day!
The numbing yet comforting smell of chemicals welcomed me as I entered the salon. I dutifully held out my hands and tried not not take the sigh of the manicurist personally- at least she didn't laugh at me, like the man working there always does. I suspect him to gossip about my irregular nail lenghth  in Chinese whenever he's taking care of me. "Some long, some short" he says, and I'm like, yeah, why do you think I'm coming if not because I'm helpless? Very rude. However, I was assigned to the nice young girl who doesn't say much at all but at least doesn't make fun of me. I bravely held my breath while she pulled back the cuticles (but I'm crying with pain on the inside) and didn't say a word when she filed my left thumb nail which is so short that I didn't think it was possible to put a file under there. Anyways, now I'm feeling clean and proper again, no longer having to cringe as I put my change on counters and things like that.

 I believe it's CND's Copa Color shellac BUT I can't find it on the internet, which is weird. Also, I'm supposed to learn Photoshop in college and I can't even remove this shadow.

Today I also re-discovered Human by Christina Perri, which I imagine to be a great song for dramatically singing your heart out at a karaoke bar. Theme song of the day: But I'm only human....and I bleed when I bite my nails....I'm only human....and I break them using zippers....


Rosy Smith

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