One thing or another….Blogmas Day 16

by - December 16, 2015

Thoughts on college-very deep

I wonder if I could possibly be more bored. I am seriously reflecting this question. To what point can a person be bored? Is there the possibility of some kind of a boredom-implosion? Do people get hysteric or sad when they're on the verge of possible boredom? These are things we should be discussing here.

Citations, however, are definitely not a subject that should be drawn over two hours of lecture. I get it, I'm not supposed to copy someone else's work. Big news.

Right now, 3:15 pm, I can't decide if I'm really that bored (I'm actually doing something, so it's a little weird) or if I'm just tired. I'm really hungry, too - but I'm not sure if I want something sweet or hot pasta, or maybe chinese….I might just be craving something. Not sure if that's someone who'll watch Grease with me tonight and looks best in a suit or someone who rolls their skinny bleached jeans up their ankles and rocks a beanie without looking like a child.

See, I'm not in a very decisive mood today.

I'm one of these persons who has some sort of range of imaginary scenarious to choose from whenever I don't have anything else to think of, especially when I'm zoning out in class. However; and I wonder if others have this problem as well;  sometimes I even get bored of my personal fantasies. It's bad, isn't it, but I get picky with the products of my very own mind, going like "No, he keeps looking weird, I can't picture his face anymore and now he reminds me of that guy from middle school who was positively disgusting and I can't deal with the thought of that so nah, let me think of something else". It's not very calming.

My screen just did something weird.

Anyways, on those kinda days, I'm surprised I could string two thoughts together at all, apart from "I'm so bored" and "I wanna go home". And I was so happy about the last lecture being canceled (well, the cancelling was kinda student-initiated if you know what I mean) and getting home early and being able to listen to some music and writing some melancholic song lines....

If only I had known it would take me 4 hours to get home. But that's another story, lovelies, and I'm gonna tell you about it in all its shining tragic and hidden humoristic elements....tomorrow.

So stay curious.


Rosy Smith

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