Get some insight....December

by - December 29, 2015

Now before you back off in annoyance, thinking you've already gotten enough insight this month via Blogmas, thank you very much, I'm not going to repeat myself, no worries! I rarely do, even in real life, though I have to sometimes because people insist I speak really quietly (in my opinion, they just need to listen more closely).

So let's just start twirling, shall we?

First of all, I know I've already virtually screamed out #twoyearsofrosysmith about 6 months ago; however, that was about Rosy Smith in general, meaning my blogging debut on tumblr 
, and today it's all about this very URL you're at right now! This day a year ago, I just threw a bunch of my already-written posts on there, which is why they're all dated the same, and received about 25 views that months which were all me being vain and looking at my own stuff because I like to see it online so much. Anyways, whoever it is that's doing so today, have a drink on me! (Metaphorically, of course.)

Shopping list: velours pants. Could be fake, doesn't matter, but I tried on some cool ones on Christmas day and they were too wide at the waist and now I'm aching to find a replacement. I'm actually going shopping tomorrow, because I haven't done that in absolutely ages (since the summer! Again, no winter pieces! Not that it's very wintery outside, but a girl's got needs, and they include velvet tops and tight black leather pants)! There's not much time left in the shopping year....

....which brings me to the real end of the year, New Year's Eve. Isn't it funny how many people seem to have a love/hate attitude towards this particular evening? Most of them say it's because they feel pressured to have a good time that night and then be totally hungover-free and ready to become a health guru by 1st of January. Take my advice, lovelies: Think of it as a regular night out - you'll have the same old fun as always - and then, at midnight, allow yourself to have a fairytale moment in which you get all dazed and enchanted by all the fireworks and glitter and champagne and feel the special haze of opportunity. Don't draw comparisions to confetti (thrown generously and then lying uselessly around the floor with the dirt), but screw your sceptical frown and wave your paper streamer in the air! That's what they're talking about when they say New Year's Eve is special. You can go on worrying about the same old things as yesterday on the 1st of January and no one will judge you for it. Personally, I believe that's why the 1st is a holiday, anyway. You're supposed to cure yourself, properly remove all of that mascara, and then, on the 2nd, you may proceed with being your fabulous self.

Reminds me that I just made plans for the 2nd and I'm already eagerly looking forward to that, for multiple reasons. One of them is that I won't have too much time to study that day, and that makes me really happy 'cause honestly, I have seriously thought about drafting a petition that requires the government to pass a law to forbid exams right after Christmas break, because while that might not exactly violate human rights, it definitely would be a step into the right direction regarding this "Heal the World" mission to ban them. Small effort is still worth something, lovelies.

Writing this has made me quite excited for the rest of December, and I hope you are, too! If I'm overwhelmed by all the studying I still have to do, like, now, and won't be able to elaborate on my precious opinion on the end of the year and all that blahblah, take this suggestion: Get yourself a nice sparkly dress, get together with your closest friends and store a lot of food to get through while you're waiting for that Cinderella moment. Just don't lose your shoe!


Rosy Smith

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  1. Happy new year! Best of luck X

    Everything from fashion faves to 1D is over on

    1. Thanks, love! All the best to you too, I'll swing by your site x Rosy
