Is there a Blogmas Day 25? I think so....

by - December 25, 2015

....I've been wondering about that for a while and then decided that it's still very much Christmas and I couldn't just stop without the appropriate pomp and circumstance, could I, lovelies?

Talking about pomp and circumstance, that happens to be the title of the first chapter of "Lady Almina and the real Downton Abbey - The lost legacy of Highclere Castle" by the current Countess of Carnavon, who has recreated the story of said castle (where she lives) which has been the inspiration for Downton Abbey, the series (can we all have a moment of silence for this wonderful, wonderful show?) ; I got that book for Christmas and will probably want to become a British Lady when I grow up after I read this ( I also watched What A Girl Wants today, so I kinda already want that).

Oh, get this: I, of all people, went to the gym today. It's been the second time of my life and I can assure you that I won't go at all for at least another year, but I did this morning; it's because there is a very nice one at the hotel we're staying at and see, we have a lot of leisure time here, and even more food to process, so we went. I'm more of a dancer than a gym person (I could tell you about my reasons for that, but it would take much longer, and that's the thing about blogmas: It was totally fun and I loved doing it - I felt incredibly productive, putting up a post every single day, and I very much liked the constant activity on's just that sometimes I have a fun thought, and I write it down in the blogmas post, but it would serve for a whole new topic, and I can't elaborate on it as much as I would want to....just like the gym thing. So I won't be posting daily, at least not all year, but hopefully a lot more than I did before Blogmas!). Meaning that I'm not exactly familiar with the exercise machines. Further meaning that I spent the first five minutes tiptoeing around the bicycle thing trying to figure out how the freak to turn it on without appearing as if I didn't know how to turn on a simple....bicycle thing. That got ridiculous soon and I had to ask (there's no button. You have to start pedalling. Seems I'd been thinking a bit too complicated), but then I happily stayed on there for half an hour burning a single chocolate bar, which I reckon doesn't really compensate much of what I filled up on today. Afterwards, I got on a couple of leg machines or whatever, when some guy about my age entered the scene, lifting weights near me. By the way, I had my hair up in a ponytail resembling a palm tree, no make up on but skin exhausted from last night's look, an oversized nylon shirt and matching flares. Needless to say, I looked gorgeous. However, I wasn't even on about looking sportswear-commercial-y for this guy, who might be perfectly nice and all, but the fact that we were in a gym killed all romantic thoughts that could have ever crossed my mind. Nobody wants to tell the story of how they met their soulmate wearing nylon. Not to mention the sweat (on his part. I didn't exercise that thoroughly). How do you even start a conversation at the gym? "Hey, I like how you work that leg press"? No. Too far. See, there's really no fun in going to the gym.

We also went bowling. And we had a pretty intense game of foosball. All in all, I'd say we earned dinner tonight!

So, lovelies, as I said, blogmas had been fabulous and will surely be repeated!
Until then, stay around. We're having a ball over here all year round!


Rosy Smith

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