Baby it's cold outside.... And I ran out of titles, Blogmas Day 10

by - December 10, 2015

It's true though - I felt like an ice figurine in my suede boots, lace dress and lovely but bottonless coat. Gloves? Who needs those?

We were strolling along Fifth this morning, but not to shop - we were in school after all -  no, we were analysing shop windows (think window shopping, but being mean about the decorations and not the clothes). While freezing. Mostly freezing. How are people in series dressed in light coats which are open so one can see a transparent blouse or something equally inadequate, paired with ripped jeans?  "HOW are you not dying from the cold?"

Anyways. It's movie night again-seems we have a tendency to crave seeing the illusionus world of somebody else these days while stuffing our faces with pizza and caramel popcorn. No matter how unfunctional these characters dress.

Talking about people watching, I have taken a liking to discovering random things about strangers, for instance the way they tuck their thumb under their index finger like the blonde guy across from me, who might be sleeping - or he's just resting, like I am in between watching him. Gladly, he doesn't drool or snore; he's even closing his mouth which makes him a hundred times more attractive to me. Wait, did I say attractive? I probably didn't think so at first, but as I watch really intently, I kinda got to like him.

I'm terribly easy to impress. Though I'm frequently being told my standards are way too highly staked. Someone tell me how that makes sense.

Anyway, I'll go home later and defrost and then, I'll make sure I'm having fun. Pizza is a good start.


Rosy Smith

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