Family festivities....Blogmas Day 20

by - December 20, 2015

Hence, another strike for my love of alliterations.

We are having a gathering today which basically is the yearly round-up of all December events, such as my birthday, other people's birthdays, Christmas etc. That might be the reason why I am feeling so holiday-spirity today; My term break started yesterday, but since I am supposed to study obsessively and then fell into bed, it didn't feel quite as jolly as expected - but today, what with the fancy food and decorations and presents everywhere, I'm ready for Christmas!

Did I mention we're away for the actual holidays? I told you about my love for hotels a while ago
so that's covered, and I'm only getting really excited just now! That's the only good thing about all that stress with college and whatsoever, that all the excitement gets bottled up and then explodes in colorful Christmas jingle fireworks once you can concentrate on it properly.

I should probably find my camera charger sometime soon - in fact, let's make that another New Year's resolution. Cause I can't take decent pictures with my phone since I hate to ask others to do it 'cause it seems a little egocentric to always want a picture of yourself; and if you tell them "it's for my blog", it doesn't help at all. Anyways, I got a lovely Maybelline 965 Siren in Scarlet Matte from my secret Santa this year, which really helps with the festivity mood once that's on your lips. These sweet dangly earrings have been a birthday present and the dress is one of these cute looking yet comfortable enough for consuming a full meal ones. As always, in utmost professional quality.

Tomorrow, one of my favorite Christ
mas movies is on: It's Miracle on 34th street and I am totally and irrevocably in love with it. The city looks perfect in it, the story is beyond miraculous and I am infatuated with the ninties vibe - it's barely noticably, it's not like that was a completely different time, but I feel like there's some sort of dreamy haze over everything from then - I see that in Friends, too, which is full of childhood memories for me, and even in the pictures from my parent's honeymoon all over the country, which are hanging on our walls. I find that haze so pretty, I wouldn't mind having it over all of my pictures, too.

Well, isn't it so lovely to indulge in memories and traditions and lots of red lipstick? I hope your holidays are being wonderful.


Rosy Smith

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