And one for good luck....

by - December 31, 2015's currently 4 pm on New Year's Eve and it just came to my mind that I have to put some rollers in my hair now or it won't ever be fixed this year (ain't I so original). I'd love to do that and try on my outfit for tonight while I'm at it (I'm cultivating the dangerous lifestyle of picking out outfits without knowing what they look like on), but I also really need to revise my Italian vocab as quickly as possible. Furthermore, I just remembered I'm supposed to write into a friend's scrapbook, and I'm currently juggling the installation of a (hopefully) free trial of Adobe's InDesign, which is stressing me out so badly, 'cause I'm honestly frightened of the Creative Cloud (I kinda hate it right now, to be honest. Why don't you tell me what you're doing? Why do you keep opening tabs and little windows? I didn't give you my credit information, did I?). What in Heaven's name is happening? This is taking so much longer than the commercial. And I feel like I'm clicking the same three buttons all the time.

Putting curling mousse in my hair while sitting at my desk probably wasn't my best idea ever. Thank God it fizzles away.

New Year's resolution idea: Write in my diary every single day. Yes, I keep a diary. Been doing so more or less every day since 2011, and pledged to erase the "more or less" part probably all four years long, but it's a nice, harmless, disappointment-risk-free resolution, and those are the best.

Okay, so I've made a deal with myself: If I revise my word list well, I can start preparing myself, and if time's left, I'll do some more. I'd probably have to stop writing about what I have to do now, in order to actually do it, so that I can write about what I want to do, and then do that.
Everyone still with me?

Alright. InDesign's at 81% (good) for the third time (bad).
Starting again at 42%. WHY.

Anyways, onto the important stuff. Scrapbook is done. Outfit planning is on the agenda.

Excuse the lighting and look at the pretty sheerness of the sleeves instead!

 Alright, lovelies, I'm off to a friend's house now where we'll watch Dinner For One, eat until we've got something to make resolutions about, and enjoy our little selves. I hope you have a miraculous, sparkling, and above all, fun night. See you next year.


Rosy Smith

PS: Thank you so much for reading, even if you're only here once. x

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