#BLOGMAS DAY 14 - Rolling around

by - December 14, 2016

I'm tired to the point where I might drool in my sleep so I'm actively trying to keep my eyes open on the train. Just why is this guy eating these absolutely icky things across from me? I can smell them. It's making me sick, too.

I'm proud to report that I actually recognized some terms thrown around in exam rep today. I mean, they sounded quite familiar. Learning the exact definitions is a minor matter. And the prof brought chocolate treats - that's the way to warm up my heart on a nasty day like this. I have to get up at the excrutiating hour of 6 am three days in a row from today on and I'm already willing to sacrifice various things for a few more hours of sleep.

They're doing their best today to cheer me up; our English prof took us out for lunch and I had the world's biggest schnitzel with fries. "You got carb coma", she told me after I confided in her afterwards that all I wanted to do was lie down in the embryonal position, roll down the street back to school and sleep. Carb coma is the hot stuff to try, lovelies. You might get offered a seat on public transport, in case you look pregnant enough. Of course people may just assume you're a bit on the bigger side and offer a free trial at the gym instead, but there's a risk with anything in life.

I just realized that I'm planning on living alone during next winter semester while I'm on my internship (the one I haven't applied for yet. I haven't even looked for anything. So much for organization skills). Frankly, the thought is freaking me out right now but my prof is starting with the lecture and I should take notes. It's her fault I can't indulge in my philosophic ideas.


Rosy Smith

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