#BLOGMAS Day Three - Study Session

by - December 03, 2018

You should know, that since I've been very stressed with finishing school these last few weeks (through my own fault for starting late, but still), I haven't exactly kept my room in presentable condition, and I am not one of those people who say that and mean that they did not pick up a book from their dresser. I mean that you are going to trip over a pile of books instead, hit your knee on an unpacked suitcase and land face down in a heap of clothes. I heard myself promise that I'd deal with that in December, but so far I've only sorted out the laundry and patted myself on the back for that.

However, apart from that unfaced quest, I've been a very good girl today, preparing a presentation in my soft office (I learned that expression from Louise Pentland on YouTube; it is so important to my daily life) writing note cards and everything. I even used one of those graphics that Power Point gives you. I am so pulling through to a path of success.

Then, on my way to an actual university lecture (not the one I studied at, but still, aren't I academic today), I sat down to wait for my transportation and a little girl with short curls and big brown eyes randomly approached me and apparently decided to become my friend. Don't get me wrong, I think it's cute and I'm glad my resting facial expression is nice enough for a kid to not get scared, but she just got so close- prepping herself up on my knees like I was Santa's wife and stroking my jewellry and laughing really explosively in between telling me to hold her dolly so she could take an imagined photograph. It does sound quite cute, but I'm not exactly used to kids, so I probably had a fearful look in my eyes while I thought about all the germs on those little fingers (to be fair, I caught hand foot and mouth disease last year in Hamburg and it was SO ITCHY)

Oh and the lecture was really good! I always feel a bit out of place at the "real" university because I'm used to the same ten people wearing artistic black and talking about online shopping finds to me (not that they're all not intelligent, but that's the kind of thing we talk about. In an intelligent way), but it's actually quite fun to roam the dusty hallways and feel like an bohème art student in the sixties, or a first wave feminist studying sociology and history. I bet the people who really go there do not get that giddy vibe every day, though. Anyways, I dressed in half-vintage for the occasion, wearing a soft black wool sweater and a soft grey skirt with a bold pink belt for a bookish-but-fashion-forward look. The prof holding the lecture was a pretty black woman with only one amethyst colored earring and a matching wool sweater (ha) and she used lovely terms such as "epistemic" and talked about fugitive archives in the context of remembering colonialisation and I feel like I did a work-out for my mind, which is very refreshing and should be done more often.

Shameful lecture hall outfit picture

Then I went home and had more of the devilish birthday cake.


Rosy Smith

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