
#rosygoestofashionschool Day 2: Get A Grip

by - September 08, 2015

I ended up choosing a second day outfit last night without actually looking at my clothes, which is something you really shouldn't do if you want to feel comfortable in them. I, for instance, ended up with pants which traveled up my ankle boots all the time which made me CRAZY, but we're learning here. I'll definitely wear a skirt tomorrow.

On the train, Why Can't I by Liz Phair came on on my Ipod, and that's my ultimate Scotland soundtrack from last September, so I obviously wished I was going to Scotland instead, but that's a normal reaction to vacation music, isn't it? Anyways, it's very uplifting and inspiring. It inspired me to check out the guy opposite from me, who was cute in his way of blondish curls, grey hoodie, black jacket, faded jeans and these glasses with the patterned frames - I hate that this makes you think of side parts and greasy hair since in that case, believe me, I wouldn't call it cute in a way (or at all).
The song also inspired me to jot down a few things regarding my mental state yesterday night:

Get a grip!

  • Choose clothes for whole week on weekends
  • Take a book on the train
  • And a freaking hair tie
  • Blow out your hair no matter what.
The schoolday in itself was not that much listening today- in fact, this time we weren't told that much at all, we were flipping through magazines and drawing bad portraits of each other, and if you say it that way, it sounds easy breezy, which it probably was, but it took six hours and about a three hour train journey so I guess I'm reasonably exhausted and deserved that Pizza Hut I shamelessly treated myself to at the train station, eating very unladylike and glamourously getting crumbles all over my blindfoldedly chosen outfit, not giving a damn.

Stay with me, lovelies.


Rosy Smith

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