
#rosygoestofashionschool Day 1: Monday Blues

by - September 07, 2015

The shrill ringing of the alarm clock at an unholy hour wasn't exactly the most charming start of the day, but I got up eventually and tried to ignore the fact that it was still dark outside (isn't that the worst about early mornings?) and I definitely shouldn't be up already. Traffic was bad but at least I didn't have to wait that long for my train - always look at the bright side of life and all that!

The sign in the station said my bus was leaving just about now, so I actually made a run for it - in heeled boots, everyone - and I actually catched it! I felt like such a city girl; that impression may have been ruined by the fact I was breathing like a woman in labor for about half of the ride from unusal exhaustion.

I was pretty early, which I hate to be, but I sorta confidentially walked into the lecture hall in which the new students were to be held up in all day long for, well, lecturing I guess. Just so that you can imagine, the whole school is brickstone on the outside and loft-atmosphere on the inside, with high ceilings, white floors, big industrial lights and kinda uncomfortable chairs. It's nice and probably hard to get lost in (but that's never for sure).

There was sparkling wine for a welcome toast - if that's not one of the coolest welcomes to school you've ever gotten - which, however, didn't exactly help to concentrate on the lectures, but anyways. Topics ranged from "Fashion theory" (sounds interesting) to "The role of textile engineering in product managment" (sounds boring if anything). I believe I would feel much less worn out now if the different topics would have been presented only to the study groups who actually needed them respectively, so that we wouldn't have had to sit in there checking out each others shoes for eight hours straight, but hey, maybe that's been a lesson in itself. I survived, didn't I? And now that this part is over, tomorrow might me devilishly interesting and fascinating - I certainly hope so.

Do I sound very flat? Please bear with me, lovelies - I'm in desperate need of some real food (no time for more than prezels) and TV and I'll be right as rain and annoyingly cheery again tomorrow!


Rosy Smith

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