
A Slow Day....BLOGMAS DAY 5

by - December 05, 2017

Fun fact: When I go to sleep with wet hair in a towel, it does not come out softly curled and healthy. It comes out electrocuted on the one side and taped to my scull on the other. Cue the straightening iron for its ultimate test.

I actually have a sort of important meeting today (though not nearly as important as that sounded), so I want to look presentable. Put concealer on and everything. 

I just got hit in the head by a man struggling to stand on the train, who reached for the pole and was stopped by me sitting there. I mean, I totally get it, but ouch.

God, PR people get personally offended when you accidentally ask them about a labels they don't carry anymore. I didn't take it from you, did I? Please tell me whom I should email instead?

My hair is pretty much back to electrocution now, but the meeting went well; as of January, I'll be interning 3 flights of stairs down from my current office. I got horribly lost, of course, because I took the elevator. To be honest, I didn't even know there were stairs.

I got into the habit of touching the tip of my nose when talking to people. Why? I don't need any more bad ones now, thank you very much. I'm content with the ones I got. Also, I don't want anyone to think I'm picking or anything.

Just read this through. Well, talk about storylining. For anyone who doesn't get their kick out of a non-stringent thought flow, here's my outfit of the day called "When it's too cold for a cold shoulder just put on two of them":

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