
When In Doubt, Take A Picture....BLOGMAS DAY 12

by - December 12, 2017

I would just like to point out that I'm not actually that narcisstic (don't be so surprised), I just happen to do an advent calendar thing with my loveliest friend where we send each other our outfit each day so that we a) get some styling inspiration and b) try a little harder to have something to show.

So the reappearing background is the magical place where I spent most of my interning time recently - the prop closet. Isn't just big-city-fashion-circus-sparkling to the mostest?

But hey, I got that black sweater out of it. That's something for packing all those packages and listening to the local radio station which does not seem to have enough songs to play without repeating "Perfect" thrice (once in the new version if that makes any difference) .


Rosy Smith

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