
Tidying Up....BLOGMAS DAY 13

by - December 13, 2017

I'm going to a Contemporary dance class tomorrow and I've spent about half an hour wondering which top to wear. See, I have made this cropped t-shirt for myself, but I wore that to Zumba class last night, and I have a polka dot cami, but it doesn't go too well with my pantskirt, so I have finally settled on a plain black halter top which I still have to find in the mess that is the bottom of my closet.

So there's reason to congratulate us interns - we finally (mostly) cleaned out the whole fall winter section of the prop stash! It took a lot of dust on my tights and scratches on the back of my hand (from the thingie that makes the tape go on the cardboard. Does that have a name?) and yesterday I hit myself onto the collarbone and you can still see the blemish (that thingie is a safety hazard all right), but we did it. We overcame the curse. Now press your thumbs they don't put us onto the jewellry return task because that is pure harrassment. All that dingly tiny golden stuff without tags, appearing from formerly empty shoe boxes, but only at the fifth shake. It is tiring me to think about it.

I have only seven working days left until Christmas break, and afterwards I'm starting a different position at a different magazine - this came somehow unexpected. We'll see what we make of it. Well, what I make of it. You'll hear about it, still.


Rosy Smith

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