
Getting Into It....BLOGMAS DAY 6

by - December 06, 2017

Hi hello and happy St. Nicolas Day lovelies!

Today, after listening to most beautiful voice message of my loveliest reminiscing about our dreamy vacation in Santa Marinella, I was in such a good mood I decided to decorate my little Christmas tree. If you know me, you'll be aware that I have sworn to get a tree whenever I move out because we never have one at home (okay, we used to when I was little, and there's one at the hotel, but come on) and now that I am at least temporarily moved, I ordered a tiny one for the apartment. So, let's do this!

Quick "before" snap:

So these adorable red glass balls are one of the birthday gifts from my loveliest friend, the little gift packages and the nostalgic wooden ornaments are from back home and the snow, well that was already on it.

Aaaaaand there's the finished product. Put some pr gifts and velvet shoes under there to make it even more Christmass-y. I gotta say, just looking at this corner makes me feel festive as hell.


Rosy Smith

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