
Don't Ask....BLOGMAS DAY 14

by - December 14, 2017

I had a ridiculously awful morning which I will retell another time because I'll get too worked up reliving it now. I don't like getting worked up before going to sleep, although it is the most convenient time to have a little cry because you don't have to rekindle your looks or anything afterwards. And you don't have to sneak under your desk to search for a tissue and stay there for five suspicious minutes because you can't find one and have to seriously consider using your spare pair of gloves as a replacement (and then decide against it, I might add). But it's no fun.

And then we went to the Contemporary class and there was a lot of floor work involved. I think I have burnt both my elbows rolling around from right to left. And there will be blue marks, I can just feel it. At one point, four of my toes cramped at once. I didn't know they did that. And there was one figure wher you have to put your feet behind your head while lying on your shoulders and then turn your entire torso, and I just couldn't figure out how that's possible without breaking your neck, so I didn't try very hard but stayed in the starfish position (flat on my back, arms and legs out. Perfect) during the sequence. All in all, it was fun. A bit bumpy, but fun.

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