
What you wouldn't want in a girl....

by - March 04, 2016

....I'm not exactly sure if guys do this, but I, for one, have had enough time on my hands to paint a picture in my head of all the things I want the person I date to be. You know, height, face, taste in music, opinions he has to have on topics he's supposed to discuss, etc. I'm terribly fundamental about those standards. Though chances are, if a boy's that way, too, I wouldn't make the cut. Sure, I might look the part. However....

If you give me your number, I'm 98% likely to save only the first letter of your name as a contact. It's like I was still 14 and it's embarrassing to have a boy's name in my chats. That's why you'll find an A, a J, an F and a Pz in my phone. Not a V though, 'cause I didn't care enough for him to bother. Fun fact, another reason for the A was that I honestly couldn't quite remember his full name and proceeded to call him that to this day.

Which brings us to another one: I'll probably have forgotten your face the minute I close the door behind me. So don't be confused if I don't recognize you the next time we meet. I tried my best. It's nothing personal.
It would only be slightly alarming if that happened to me on my wedding day. Then again, as long as I can distinguish the groom and his best man from one another, I should be fine.

I'll play texting mind games. Even if it's only out of habit. How do you expect me to go from "Waiting 24 hours to respond 'cause he did, too" to "oh, I'm an adult, I'll just text when I see it" in less than a year? Sweet thought, though.

I'll hit on the guy from the rent-a-ski booth the minute I see him and not even care for his slightly swollen left eye. Maybe he's gotten into a fight. How manly. Gosh, I'm so easily impressed. And for all the wrong reasons, too. 

While I freak out about my outfit and suffer from a heatstroke in the hallway waiting for you to pick me up, when asked after what you were wearing, I'll just mumble something vague and hope the topic gets dropped. That is, if I didn't like your outfit and am too embarrassed to talk about it.

I can be sweet, too. Promise.


Rosy Smith

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