
Get some insight....February

by - February 28, 2016

....I'm proud to announce that after crampy, sleepy January, these last weeks have actually been quite eventful....

First things first, I finally found my camera charger! The second month of the year is not even over yet and I already fulfilled one of my (about three) New Years Resolutions! It was hidden in one of the jewellry boxes I keep all my cable stuff in. Who'd have thought. So, maybe there's a chance for me to improve my picture quality on here. Oh, and now there's always the option of becoming a vlogger. So many possibilities evolving....

My second resolution's been to talk less about trains, and I believe I've been doing quite well with that, too: However, I'll mention them now, since I'm currently sitting in one of  'em on my way to meet someone I wanted to see: remember me telling everyone important about how much I wanted that? I guess that did the trick, since he seems to be wanting to see me too. Anyways, I'm sitting here and getting really paranoid about my lips being dry - see, I've had lots and lots of balm on them this afternoon and when I took it off, it must have worked like a scrub as my lips basically fell apart in the process. So I did another scrub and now I fear I've missed a spot. My loveliest friend is texting me I should do a sugar scrub. If only I had a packet of that on me. I don't usually carry edible things in my purse, apart from gummi bears.
Furthermore, I need to press my lipstick down on a handkerchief which I, of course, never carry, either....I'd have an old tramp stamp, I guess that will do - what I actually was on about before starting to write anything is that this guy stared at me through the window and his shoes, studded black high-tops, are honestly the most hideous thing I've ever seen.

Staying at home on break is honestly a fabulous thing to do. I went skiing with my parents and everything (college, people whose messages I need to google half the time, etc.) nicely faded into the snow while I was doing my rounds and all I had to think about was what there's for dinner and if the ski rent guy would ask me out. He didn't, 'cause I only met him for about three minutes, but that's the point - I didn't really care. Now I'm back but still, I'm doing my papers, I'll scream if I need to read through another pet-related thread (my topic is clothing for pets. Feel free to share your opinion, I'll feel free to interpretate it so it fits my argumentation), but at the same time I love the feeling of making sense with my writing. I feel like it's gonna be great to be a freelancer - I might waste 3/4 of the day by looking at every single one of the 43 "Then and now" red carpet looks seventeen.com has put together and rediscovering Kelly Clarkson's "Already Gone", but by 6 pm I'll frantically be scribbling down designer labels for dogs 'cause I just had a great idea for an outro.

I also managed to get a new calendar for my beloved Filofax (yeah, I do adore my planner) - two months into the year, that ain't so bad, is it? I feel like I'm in control of things again, and I like it. I already filled it with lots of fun things before freedom as we (I) know it is changed again in exactly a week from now; shopping tomorrow, cinema twice, lots of the loveliest friend, oh and Ballet! I almost forgot, but I went to class for the first time in almost a year, and it was beautiful. I wasn't, during the length of it, 'cause I didn't have a good bun day and my cheeks seem to turn red after half an hour of exercise these days, but it's ballet - earthly things don't matter. I felt like I strained about ten different muscles afterwards, but I twirled around in the kitchen when I got home.

Where was I?

Right, my plans. Did you see Brooklyn, by the way? I did. Twice. Felt sick both times so that was good, but I loved the outfits. Give me a full skirt and oversized sunglasses and send me to Coney Island. Isn't it almost time for spring?

Stay sparkly, lovelies.


Rosy Smith

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