
You wait ages for the bus....

by - February 22, 2016

....and then there's three at once. Is that how the saying goes? It's definitely proved itself again.
I was texting away yesterday evening trying to give advice on things I don't actually have a clue of myself and suddenly felt very chick-flick character like. Isn't that sort of excitement what we're hoping for all along, wish for every time we get together and moan about the dullness of things?

Well, here's what we get for that....

Finding out the hard way that college choices suck sometimes. Problems like these are too complicated and tragic to explain; however, it generally seems as if no matter what you plan for, and how beautifully that plan would work out, sometimes it all comes down to nothing again and it's zero percent your fault. It happens to the best of us, lovelies.

My unqualified advice:
Loose your plans. Make a list of every single option. They might all sound horrible, but that's okay. Choose one. Any of those. Do whatever it says. Yes, that might still sound horrible. It's still okay, 'cause it's not so much about what you do right this moment, the point is that you do something in order to move. Don't ever stop moving.

Enough with the deep talk for now and onto the less life changing events:

Why have a crush when you can have a complication? Imagine this: He's cute, he's clearly being flirty, he doesn't call. Someone else is nice, he clearly saw you being flirty with the cute guy, and he's quick to ask you on a date because he's probably scared you'll be a goner soon on account of said cute guy. Isn't that the most annoying thing ever? Nice guy could barely have chosen a worse moment to make his move. What if cute guy didn't call 'cause nice guy begged him to let him have the shot? What if cute guy isn't gonna call 'cause nice guy got rejected and there's some weird bro code that says to respect nice guy's pride? What if you and cute guy go out and nice guy flings himself off a building? Why does he have to ruin everything you've ever wanted?

My unqualified advice: Ignore the nice guy. Call the cute guy (a little initiative never hurt no one. Except for the nice guy). Live happily ever after and proceed to ignore the nice guy. He did it to himself.

Oh, and me? I'm on a 3rd date today. I think. It's kinda like with my A-levels when my whole family was sick and I just sorta handled my stuff on the side. I'm weirdly zen. A little concerned about my lack of inner fireworks and my pickiness with food. In no particular order.

Thankful for any advice. Qualified or not.


Rosy Smith


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