
Well Hello....

by - December 29, 2014

….I feel like I haven’t talked to you about boys for way too long. Just to get the facts straight: Boys are stupid and nobody needs them, unless the sexual frustration sets in, then I recommend putting up with some hot exemplars of the species until you are nice and good again.
Having said that, let’s just ramble for a bit.
They obviously can’t read minds
Firstly, I am thouroughly upset about my personal loss of the cute construction worker. Apparently, the works are already done, and I won’t get to be the creepy lady in the window who sometimes brings coffee in way too flimsy clothes for the weather anymore. Goodbye to that working-man-meets-aristocratic-daughter-fantasy (aka The Notebook, just without the feels). Not that my parents are aristocrats, but you get my drift. More often than sometimes, I immediately associate a guy-interest with a certain plot or story I make up and am pretty disappointed if it kinda really doesn’t play out along those lines. And this one would have made a damn great story, so that’s especially sad.
What’s also sad is that the range of emotions went from “He’s so freaking hot I can’t stand it I have to have him” to “His hair looks kinda stupid and we probably have nothing to talk about but I still want him” so now I’m not even in awe, I’m just totally frustrated.
Some can’t keep their composure
Something weird happened to me today: The friend of a friend walked up the stairs with me and mentioned friend today, but that only occured to me when my friend laughed at him because he was acting rather strangely. The person didn’t say a word and kept looking straight ahead, even though I curiously glanced at them. He seemed to be bedazzled for reasons I am unaware of. Which is fine with me. Not so fine was I, however, when he ran into me at the turn of the stairs and then just went on not saying anything and blushing and not looking at me. Was that supposed to be a pick-up? Because if so, I am sorry, but I still don’t know you’re name and I think you’re a little clumsy, so that didn’t work out at all, darling.
Still, that was more effort than the construction worker made, so technically….I want to cry a little bit. If forced to choose between abs and shy affection there is only one possible answer, don’t you think?
Others would be attractive if they weren’t so obnoxious
Do you know that guy who’s preppy-polished and snickers out totally useless comments all the time? The one who’s always around somehow even though you definitely cannot remember to have asked him for his company? I don’t know about you, but I actually kinda like him. I think, if he could shut up for five seconds and didn’t dress like he was a Harvard Prof ( I never got the hang of how that’s hot), he might be exactly the type I’d want to be friends with. And if he wasn’t such a babyface, we could even negotiate some benefits. ‘Cause smart-assery can be sexy, if you’re a little like that yourself. Just think of all the fights you two could have!
See, there’s a lot of trouble to choose from if you’re in the mood. Surround yourself with the right kind of it and it’ll provide you with some fun as well.



Rosy Smith

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