
Get Some Insight....

by - December 29, 2014

…. I’m being a busy little bee buying dresses, writing letters and throwing together last-minute Power-Points,  but I’d not forget to give you a sneak-peak on what’s going on right now.

  • Halloween was pumpkin pie soup, PLL fun and a nightly muddy walk through the park followed by more soup, all with my lovely ladies.
  • My sweet band guy’s band has split because most of them are off to college. My problem with this: If the band guy’s without his band….what’s left of him?
  • Uh oh, I’ve heard a rumor about that girl on top of the class who’s recently shed her long-term boyfriend (understandably, since he wasn’t the greatest catch) and seems to be rushing through the waters instead of just testing them. That “study session” with one of the jocks looked pretty cozy, if you ask me….
  • To the black-clad girl from my English class- I hear you’ve been talking about me. I also hear it wasn’t very flattering. No offense, but can you spell j-e-a-l-o-us? Cause if you could, you wouldn’t have to gossip about people who can.
  • My loveliest friend had had this guy crushing on her in May. She didn’t return his adoration in more than a playful way, so he arranged himself and found a substitute. She appears to be sitting next to my friend in her art class, and she also appears to have advised her not to go out with him because he’d not be “good enough” for her. So I guess it’s an act of charity, this newly blossomed relationship? Because the only other word coming to my mind would be manipulation, but then again, what do I know.
  • There are some construction workers doing something to our house. One of them’s 20. Today, he lifted his shirt. I’ve shown astonishingly cliché stalkeresque behaviour. Someone stop me.
That’s it for today’s dishing the dirt, lovelies! But there’ll be more, I promise.
Stay curious.
Rosy Smith

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