
Look who found each other....

by - January 23, 2017

....or not, we don't know yet. See, at that party there was a sweet girl in attendance whom I've met before among that same crowd and she sat next to me during the poker game; on my other side was someone I once named as "cute guy" even though since then, he has turned out to be more of  a "cowardly guy with astonishing self-confidence" but that would be too long to use now. Anyways, my bestest friend sat across from me and sometimes we broke into insider conversations about things like our lit class teacher from high school and the other two couldn't quite catch up with that so they would start to talk to each other instead, asking the polite, interested questions people ask when they first meet strangers, and he somehow managed to mention the time "when I lived in Paris" and that seems to really get the girls. Or maybe the astonishing self-confidence is intruiging at first. But I shouldn't be so judging, since he's one of the best friends of my certain someone and I should be "noble". So I'll grant the fact that to someone who doesn't know him, he could seem witty and smart, I guess. Because even though those conversations across the poker chips were the only close contact I witnessed between them that night, and even though he was making out with other people's girlfriends later on (after the sweet girl already left, bless her), they are on for a date today. What a turn of events.

I'm on the home stretch for this semester! The day after the day after tomorrow, I'll hold my presentation. I absolutely dispise the kind of presentations we have to hold at my school. It's never "look at this power point slide. That's how I did it" but always "spot on me, look at my contemporary dance moves, do you get what I'm trying to tell you? You better, 'cause I'm not gonna just say it even though it would be sparing both of us a lot of precious lifetime". It's ridiculous how the word "creativity" is being misused to justify the unnecessary trouble they send us through all of the time.

To celebrate, I'm hitting the city with the abovementioned friend on saturday and I'll buy everything that brings me joy. I forbade myself to do so the last time I was wandering by all the beautiful sale signs, because I didn't want to reward myself before having finished that stupid presentation. Aren't I disciplined? It's a new feeling, and it's not a fun one.

 Can't wait 'til friday.


Rosy Smith

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