
My Dream Closet Feat. MakeSpace

by - January 14, 2017

When I was graduating and supposed to be studying for my final, final exams, I once procrastinated by sketching out my dream loft in New York City. I have the draft somewhere but it's not exactly gonna win me an architecture prize; still, I can tell you exactly what I pictured drawing that. You're supposed to come into the main part of the loft, a wide space with windows to the floor all across the wall and wooden tiles. There is nothing in it, except for long, fluffy white curtains and a concert piano in the center, with a single rose on it (judging from experience, that rose is probably dead and there are about a million pieces of sheetmusic clattered around). As you turn left, you realize I actually thought of living amenities and have a sofa (no leather 'cause that's cold and slippery), a coffee table and some cupboards with a TV set. Oh and by the window, I have my desk to sit and write at. The kitchen is a bit hidden by a half-wall (what a word). In it, there's a free standing counter as well as a long table for dinners with other people, and everything will look sparkling new because I can't cook. On the right side of the main part, there is a more cozy corner with armchairs and a fuzzy rug where you sink in, and lots of bookshelves and a side window. In that corner, there also is the only door of the room that leads to the bedroom. Inside, there is a vanity table and one of these sunk-in window seats and a really high four poster bed and more shelves with personal things. Another door opens to the bathroom and the door next to that will get you to the heart of everything: The closet.
When I discovered the New York based storage service MakeSpace (they pick up everything you'd like to store, provide the storage location and bring your items back to you if you wish; all in all, it costs less than self-storage, I hear) I got the idea to describe that place in more detail, and since talking about myself and clothes is obviously a pleasure for me, here we go:

First of all, my dream closet takes up a whole room, about 24 square yards big. There's cream colored, soft carpet on the floor and a cream leather chaiselounge as well as one of these leather bean bags but formed like a cylinder (get it?) to lounge on while picking out what to wear: I always sit down in front of my closet because it can take me a while to scan everything. There is a small coffee table in here as well, with a glass top and sort of vintage-y legs, to scatter magazines and pictures onto.

On the wall across from the door, there is a huge mirror covering the whole middle part of the wall. On each side of it, there are lightly polished wooden racks (they might even be soft white) where all of my shoes, which will hopefully be plenty and luxurious, have a place. There are small glass doors every two lines, though, to avoid all that dusting.

All images are from Pinterest, none of them are mine (sadly)

Okay, onto the side walls of the room. On the left one, there are two grand wardrobes out of the same wood as the shoe racks. Between them, there is a rack of the same kind but with handbags instead (I'm not that into bags so one rack will do). Inside the left wardrobe there is a row of pants, a row of shirts and sweaters and tops and blouses and a long row of dresses and skirts (I'd say that 66% of the time I wear thights).

The right wardrobe is reserved for evening gowns, jackets and coats (those things tend to take up much room, hence the own closet). Turning to the right wall of the room, there are two cupboards. Above them, there are framed magazines and artsy ballet and fashion pictures. The cupboards hold drawers full of thights, lingerie, dance wear and lounge stuff such as teddy pants and fuzzy socks. When you go through the door and take a sharp turn right, there is a piece of wall leaving just enough space for a third wardrobe but with drawers instead of double doors. When it's summer, the winter clothes are kept there, and when the seasons start changing I gradually exchange the wardrobe's contents, too.

Oh, and there's a mini fridge as well for when my friends and I dress up together in my closet before going to a fancy event: I'll put sparkling wine and Oreos (cookies don't smudge) in there. And some loudspeakers need to be installed onto the walls and connected to the stereo in the living room area; Dressing is way more fun with good music to prance around to in front of the mirror.

Goodness, now I want to live in my hypothetical closet right away.

What would yours look like? Just imagining it could make you happy!

Also, check out MakeSpace's website
and their nationwide locations
for more info on their service as well as dream closets!


Rosy Smith

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