Get some insight....January

by - January 28, 2016

.....Coming to you from the hair stylist's because I'm officially done with finals and free to do whatever I please! I made it without burning something (that was really within the range of possibilities and I still don't know why)! And what better way to celebrate my return to the living than by looking the part?

As for styling, today, I'm channeling Ally from The Notebook, 'cause tomorrow, I actually get to show off at a fashion show plus after party - I heard this one gets especially good, so let's hope I find an outfit since I had to throw all of my plans over....I needed those boots and I'm not sure if I make it to the faraway mall where I've tracked them down to in time. I'd need to drive there and that's so exhausting - so my very last resort is hitting some fancy boutiques in the hopes for either a substitute or a miracle.

It's the final breakdown - what a pun. Sadly, most of January has been spent studying/pretending to study while online shopping. However, in between randomly falling asleep around 7 pm and unpacking packages of high-waisted jeans, I managed to scribble down a highly inspirational list to guide me through the next semester so I don't end up watching Friends in my PJs every single night but only on weeknights or something; Honestly, I've been seeing that show on TV ever since I was little and then hadn't for a couple years, and now I'm binge-watching it and it's contributing so much to my emotional state - it makes me cry like it was the saddest thing ever when you have to give away your monkey(does that word look weird to you? It looks weird to me) and it makes me laugh out loud, but really, which is something not many TV series can do. It's a mixture of fond memories and a whole new level of understanding. If you don't know it, drop everything to see it now and thank me later.

Go on, do it.

Compliment of the day: The stylist just told me I have nice handwriting. This is the first time ever somebody said that to me. I'm flattered, but baffled. As you can see above, it's not always the first thing coming to mind. In fact, I hope my professors can take it - they might be spoiled by all the design students with their cute colorful markers.

Can I just state again how much I hate graphic design. I may have gotten some kind of finished result, but I'm so never ever going to design the magazine page I'm writing on - aren't there seperate jobs for that? I mean, yeah, I think it's pretty when a headline represents the topic or whatever, but I really couldn't care less about how it's done.

Self-discovery so far: I did one of those online job profile tests and it turns out I should either be a singer, a composer, or a musical theatre performer. I wouldn't mind doing either of those things, they  do sound lovely; however, I'm not too sure how the multiple choice test has been judging my musical abilities. But it's nice to have options, you know.

Sometimes I think I should write about hard-hitting things such as alcoholism. Not that I'm an alcoholic, but that's one of those prime examples for hitting hard. But then, I'm having so much fun writing about my problem with scarves - should I feel bad? I don't want to feel bad, to be honest, 'cause that's so stressful.

Anything special, you may ask? There's a plan. Actually, my loveliest friend came up with it. Our missions are bound to set off some sort of reaction - let's hope it's the favored one this particular time.

Watch it.


Rosy Smith

PS: Goodness, almost forgot to mention my January soundtrack obsession with Meghan Trainor! She's so fun. She makes me less tired. And she's got a dang good voice. 

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