Did I ever tell you.....

by - January 16, 2016

....another one of my totally irrational yet totally impacting pet-peeves? Great, here we go....

Frankly spoken, I hate scarves.
I don't like to wear them; I own about three and they rarely see the light of day. If I uncommonly decide to put one on, in case of a deathly hypothermia or something, I'll rip it off within the first ten minutes of sitting down and scrunch it into a little ball on my lap. Scarves, same as turtlenecks, suffocate and annoy me. I feel like I'm carrying way too much unnecessary fabric. Also, I can't adapt to the thought that I should cover my neck for some reason; isn't that one of the most elegant body parts you're supposed to accentuate rather than hide? Why would one want to look as if one doesn't even have a neck?

Now, you'd think that it's okay if I feel that way, since nobody is forcing me to ever bother wearing a scarf, and that it's all good, right?
I'm afraid it's not.

In fact, my dislike towards these innocent pieces of clothing goes so far as that I physically struggle not to hassle strangers and pull the darn thing off them (not at all sounding like a lunatic ). I don't care for girl's wearing them. But a boy, I'm sad to say, becomes about 99 percent less attractive to me the moment they choose to put on a scarf.

Let me explain it to you with a Katy Perry song: "I hope you hang yourself with your H&M scarf....you're so gay and you don't even like boys".....or, this one's good too: "You're not a man/you're just a mannequin". Not that I'd want anyone to hang themselves (my points aren't that obvious), or that I wanna degrade gay people to being scarf-wearing people - it's just that I can't take a guy seriously, romance-wise, if he needs to throw on something silky. Sue me for that.

The worst thing is when they're doing it inside. It makes me all itchy to watch that shame go down. Who, I ask you, who on earth told the world that it's a thing now to wear your snow equipment inside a house with central heating? It objectively doesn't compliment any body part or outfit at all, so that couldn't have been the motivation. Does anyone even know why people do this or is the whole disaster resembling a cult based on words so ancient, no one remembers what the hell they actually said?

I shouldn't get so worked up over this - you never want to scare people - especially since, if I should set my mind on a guy who's picked up this outrageous habit, I reckon it wouldn't be that hard to talk him out of it. He obviously doesn't care much for his appearance, anyways.

Nothing to worry about then, is there, lovelies?


Rosy Smith

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