
Get Some Insight....September

by - September 28, 2017

Just a picture of a lovely waffle at "HappyWaffel" to kick this off.

So, first of all, hold your breath 'cause my loveliest friend is coming into town this weekend!
I'm SO excited. It's gonna be a full-blown long weekend (I took Monday off - the things I do these days) and oh, there's so much to do around here. And I'll be able to pull off my proud-hostess thing again, even though my fridge is currently empty except for half a can of kidney beans and a garlic bread, and I have not vacuumed in a long time (who knew that that was such an essential task in life) and  I still need to figure out how to get her from the airport and what to wear so that it feels like a proper episode of a fun girls sitcom, but I'll get there. Most importantly, I'm excited.

Right, so the main thing this month has been me moving and starting at the internship and I think I'm doing okay with it - you know all that, I've mentioned my great ability to keep myself alive before, it's all fun and fireworks, blabla. I even went out (once) and had drinks (thrice; twice at the office. The perks of the creative industries). Props to me for that. 

My parents came and we went to the restaurant of a German TV cook (I think he's pretty well-known 'cause he's also got a new TV show that's not even about food). It's actually supposed to be a good place for seafood (this city is, like, all about the seafood) but I went crazy and had a burger and it
was one of the best burgers I've had in a while, especially compared to my new diet of rice noodles and shrimps. Look at it: 

Also, I went to my first ballet class in about a year (kicking myself for letting it slide so long every time I realize how long it's actually been) and I loved it. One of the many great things about dance is that you go there, you say hi, you try not to hit anyone while you're doing your thing (when you're doing turns across the room and have forgotten that you need to focus and suddenly don't remember how to stop twirling, for instance), you clap for your teacher at the end and then you smile and go home. No need to awkwardly socialise with a group of random people who just happened to go to ballet class at the same time. I mean, they get to see my out-of-control turns, which is quite embarrassing by itself, so they don't need to know my name and connect those two things with each other. 

Does that make me sound really weird or is there some silent agreement to this kind of behaviour out there? Tell a-me.

What else? I had something. I forgot. I started Christmas cookie season at the start of September, by the way, so you can do, too. Because I give out the official permissions this year. 

I need to go to bed now.


Rosy Smith

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