
Get Some Insight....August

by - September 02, 2017

I'm here! I moved! I have six doors and countless cleaning agents that sit pretty in the supply closet (yeah, that I have too) until I figure out what to do with them. But let's go back a little before getting right into the dirt-dishing, shall we?

My bestest friend and I met up on Sunday and went on a walk (how does getting back always go so much faster than getting there? On a walk, I mean) and we decided on the following: When we meet up in a couple years, we're gonna be so fabulously busy that the waiters in the cute secret-hotspot-café will be wondering why no one's at the reserved corner table yet, and then, a charming ten minutes late, we'll both arrive in front of the door and hug and tell each other about the important-but-fun things that held us up and then we'll sit and talk and drink coffee like the Gilmores.

My loveliest friend and another friend and I tried to go out salsa dancing, but unexpectedly (I'm serious - I mean, there has to be a demand if even us wanted to go), Monday night isn't exactly prime time for latin parties. What a gap in the market. Anyways, we ended up doing the next-best thing to dancing, which is, obviously, eating. Gosh, it's so good. There's this small tapas bar by a kind of designated square where college students seem to go hang out (even on Monday nights, I may add) and we sat outside and watched them. It's a bit like a high school playground, only that you never know if the guy you have a crush on will be there the next day. Ah, the joy of adulthood.

And then I went off to Hamburg - such a pretty city! There's lots of brick and glass and water, and yesterday we ran right into some sort of food festival going on around the river, and today we drove out to the beach and walked some very steep stairways (sometimes I realize just how long I haven't exercised. Then I usually sit down and forget all about it). See for yourself (only the beach part though, 'cause I forgot to bring my camera transfer cable):

Did I mention I have two wardrobes now? The guy who usually lives here is a) amazingly clean and b) thankfully chose nicely sterile, white Ikea closets. Since I only brought the more wintery half of my clothes, I have so much space that I can do little flatlays inside the drawers. Arranging my pantyhose by color is so satisfying. Tomorrow I'll set up makeup and office stuff in the spare room. It's gonna be a blast.

And on Labor Day I'll start working - the irony! Be still, my beating heart. Stay tuned, lovelies....


Rosy Smith

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