
Nighttime Routine (Yeah)

by - September 22, 2017

Can I just say that

a) I've been logged out of my google and twitter and everything account for some reason.
b) I never log out, mostly because I'm lazy and also because I always forget my passwords.
c) I remembered the Google one but it failed me on Twitter.
d) My regular email account did not receive Twitter's link mails.
e) My other account did, though. A miracle is upon us.
d) The mails suggested I use my Twitter app to reset my password. Which does not sound like such a bad idea.
e) HOWEVER, the app requests me to type in my OLD password in order to reset it.
f) Why the hell would anyone want to reset their password if they freaking remember it?
g) Oh, now those emails work, huh.

Okay, now that is out of the way. Thus (I should've studied English), the past half hour was evidently not spent cleaning this place up. Which is a shame, considering that I 

a) Felt gross when I came home so I hopped in and out of the shower without looking back (eg. wipe).
b) Got hungry because I spent ages doing a) so I stumbled out to the store across the street where I bought overpriced breakfast bars, shrimps and juice (the clerk has to be used to my weird eating habits by now. He even helped me carry my juice sixpack to the register. But he kept the change, which wasn't what I meant by "that'll do" when I handed him a larger sum. I meant "sorry but you'll have to calculate my change". I'll speak in full sentences next time). By nine pm, I finally ate, but I didn't get around to load the dishwasher yet 'cause I started my nighttime routine of Friends and chocolate.
c) Have not put any clothes back into the closets all week. Interestingly enough, all my closet doors are wide open, though.

I'm thinking about getting a grip right now and tidy, but I have to get up at seven tomorrow (in journalism, no one really starts working before half past nine usually (I'll get back on that in another story), so this is gruesome for me) because we're doing a shoot somewhere in town. I'll have to try and remember how to assist at that kinda thing. Last time, I was mostly sat on the sofa trying on pointy boots and zipping skirts open and closed. I'm guessing it won't be quite the same. 

What am I gonna wear, by the way? I had my comfortable outfit on today already (leggins, but pretending they're those hip joggers, and my slouchy feelgood sweater, and ballet flats in a desperate attempt to look Audrey Hepburn perky), so it's gonna be a skirt. 

Figured it out, thanks to the open closet. It's half past eleven now and I'm tired and I still have to memorize my train times for tomorrow. And wipe the shower, 'cause I can practically hear my parents telling me to do so from back home. 

Nighty night, then.


Rosy Smith

PS: No, I don't speak Chinese. But I can look at the pictures.

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