
Two Weeks Til The Move

by - August 16, 2017

First off, this is an old picture, but there simply are no nice ones of me this summer that don't involve a cat or a couch. Also, you are now a witness of the only time I ever went hiking and had the opportunity to meaningfully look back on a path.

My arm looks weird there.

Anyways, there's not much time left until I leave for Hamburg and I have not prepared a thing. Besides buying myself some really cool shoes, oh and some businessy pants; see, I had that impulse to go out and buy myself somethin' pretty, so I hit the stores all alone. It was a lovely, hot day, and I wore a tan mini skirt and a white crop top and my trusty chunky sandals (to kinda balance out the unwashed ponytail I was sporting. You know the drill). And then this man came up to me and told me I looked "mindblowing" and if I wanted to be an escort. Or, I'm not quite sure on this, if I wanted to hand out business cards for an escort service. Either way, I wasn't exactly falling over with excitment, so I told him "my parents do not want me giving my number away to strangers" (which, you know, is technically not even a lie) and he got all huffed up and walked out, which is always a sign of true professionalism if you ask me. However, it was the very same store I got my pants in, so it was all good.

But aside from a big suitcase full of clothes, there appears to be lots of extra stuff that I need to think of bringing with me to settle into the apartment (did I mention the apartment? It's nice and anonymous, just the way I like it). Like, a kitchen scale. And just before I was looking at a pile of folded towels and wondered if the guy who usually lives there owns a laundry basket. Who thinks of laundry baskets? I probably will not, ever again, unless I write that down.

So, when do I actually start piling everything into boxes? Do I even have enough boxes? Also, which set of candles am I taking? See, I have been gifted decorative lights and strings and such on almost every gift appropriate occasion and I couldn't possibly set them all up in my childhood room, so now's the time to actually go through with an interior concept. I mean, as far as that's possible witout changing the furniture, 'cause I'm guessing the guy who usually lives there would mind a bit.

I'm so ready to start packing and get it over with. I also need to pencil in some time to cry about being away from home as well as teaching my cat how to skype, so we better start sooner than later!

Start the countdown, lovelies.


Rosy Smith

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  1. I hope you had a good time in Hamburg.How was the trip? Post some pictures of your apartment , would love to see it. Was it hectic to shift to a new place?

    1. I'm actually not there yet, I'm moving next week! I will definitely post about the whole experience as I go along, so be on the lookout! Thanks for commenting x Rosy
