
The Research (10 Days Til The Move)

by - August 21, 2017

You know what, I actually prefer being permanently annoyed over being permanently crying -it's just less messy.

Having said that and brought everyone into a sunshiny mood, let's talk about the latest developments in the moving department!

My dad has gotten me this sweet book with hidden spots to visit in Hamburg so that I won't be totally lost on what to do on weekends. One of the first things I noticed about it, aside from the delicious paperbag smell (yeah, I'm a book smeller. Where are my fellow people?) was the cutesy layout with hairlines and vibrant blue divider pages which is exactly what we've been talking about at such length it beat eternity in design class this year. And I immediately saw it! I guess I must've learned something after all (make room for the collective breath of disbelief).

I need to keep buzzin' for various reasons, so I spent a nice half hour scouting out the nearest pizza delivery services, comparing their respective price/offer situation to one another and looking for something similar to a redbox (I need to have something playing in the background when I'm alone so I don't start talking to myself. I mean I would read, but that's harder to do while cooking/cleaning/working than watching TV).

It's the next day and it's so sunny and I feel very youtuber-y, sitting outside "working" (Youtubers probably work, I'm just watching vlogs and drinking pineapple juice. I do wear a hat and huge flower sunglasses, though.), so that's more intruiging, right?

I went to an office supply store this morning, along with what felt like hundreds of parents with their kids, ticking of the back to school lists. Me on the other hand, being a non-working lazeball for another ten days, aimlessly wandered around looking at random glitter pens. My loveliest friend (she's back from Europe, yay) pointed out that I probably won't need to bring my own supplies to work at a magazine where the product's made out of paper; however, I actually like to have notebooks and paperclips and markers around me wherever I go. (I just watched two minutes of an episode of Private Practice, I know neither the storyline nor what happened in this episode, but I'm on the verge of crying. That's effective screenwriting.) Okay, I got a stapler. It's pink. But I realize I don't know the secret way to actually put the staples in. Life is full of surprises.

Oh oh, I decided I will make use of public libraries, firstly because I recently rewatched Sex And The City The Movie and Carrie did it and made it look boheme, and also because of the living alone / talking to myself situation that requires lots of books. Since I can't take many from home (and have read those so often I constantly get déja-vu), lending just comes in handy.

Okay, so we're slowly entering the next phase, which is titled "putting stuff in boxes". Goodness. See you then.


Rosy Smith

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