
Def. Smth. Glittery

by - October 17, 2015

I'm bored out of my scull. I'm bored, I'm bored, I'm bored, and desperately checking my phone for something exciting to come up and get me out of here, twitching around in my room as it already gets dark outside and all I've done is do some schoolwork (not nearly as much as I should have done, also, which is getting me even more frustrated) and watch Taylor Swift music videos. My work/time managment is the worst, let me tell ya. I stretch it out throughout the whole day, so no matter how much or little I actually get done, it always takes me about twelve hours to finish. That is, if I don't really want to do it.
And even though I had something to do, I didn't like doing it at all, so I'm still bored and waiting for today's fun, nice thing to happen. I guess the word I'm looking for is "glittery".

This could be anything positive, really; Problem is, my loveliest friend is in France, visiting castles as you do in Europe, my oldest friend is either at an internship or on a concert tour in Chicago, I'm not entirely sure, and my third ride or die is recovering from her first two weeks of being a pre-med. Everyone else is also busy settling into college (as I should be doing) or having a gap year, hunting zebras or whatever. But I don't wanna settle or get all dusty, I want to do something glittery!

Def. Smth. GLITTERY: Activities which arouse a feeling of excitment and or joy, things you like to think back of, things that make you smile and laugh or cry emotionally. E.g. Dancing, movie nights, going out for dinner and drinks, going new places and roaming around, talking all night while consuming unhealthy treats, dressing up for hours before going somewhere.

Just now my loveliest friend is calling. If you'll excuse me - meanwhile, you can think of something glittery for us to do. I'd love to get some inspiration.


Rosy Smith

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