Get Some Insight....May

by - May 31, 2017

Time just flies by these days - counting down exactly three months from tomorrow until the big move! And meanwhile, get the scoop:

Retro vibes: I read a Sweet Valley High novel today and I've looked up the series on YouTube and it appears to be very nineties and very shallow, which is just perfect to me. You should check that jewel out if you have a thing for good old gossip and innocent intrigue. And who hasn't?

Shopping high: It's real and should be studied in medical school. All I bought today is one little black pleated satin skirt and I'm already feeling more together. Imagine what wonders a full on shopping spree could do to me!

Speaking of meds: I got an immunization shot three days ago and today I'm finally able to lift my arm above 45 degrees without a hurl of excruciating pain. What is up with those muscle cramps? Thank God it was the left arm or I wouldn't have gotten anything done, for instance....

Calling people and asking them why the hell they're not replying to my emails. It's a fun and, I fear, pretty common thing to do as a journalist, nudging people when probably all they wanted was to ignore you and be left in peace about it. But we don't leave anyone in peace - a fact that, as someone very (annoyingly) wise mentioned to me, I should be able to embrace if I really wanted to do this job. It's a thin line between love and hate, is all I'm saying.

So what do I wear? After kind of being sick and kind of being productive the last few days I very solidly have plans for the weekend. One of them involves that party I was already at last year (leather jacket, anyone?). I still need a present (well, a card. It's that friend who wants to travel the world and support himself so he gets raw cash) and an outfit. Everytime I meet new people I have the ambition to live up to their expectations when they learn I'm a fashion student. They usually overhear the journalist part, you see. So is it gonna be the velvet bodysuit and new skirt? I almost want to think so.

June is already fabulous for being a full-on summer month, and it is one step closer to me getting off school for eight whole months. Let's not waste that.


Rosy Smith

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