
Get some insight....April

by - April 30, 2017

I can't  fathom that it's almost May again! I definitely had less to do this time last year (Blogging has made me incredibly "this time last blahblah"-ish; I feel like I live in monthly updates) but it's okay, I'm not overwhelmed with hard work or anything, I'm just squeamish. Here's what's on my list (in no particular order):

Find a photographer/model for a fashion designer's lookbook shooting until Wednesday. See, it might seem like that's something I should know how to do but all I'm capable of is writing emails to agencies and asking for specific types. I don't know where to find talented people whose work fits the designer's concept who don't ask for money and live down the block. Right now, I'm browsing through questionable web communities where most sedcards consist of semi professional lingerie shoots with lots of soft lighting. Kinda running out of straws to grasp. I knew I'd get caught not getting more out of those networking events than the free popcorn.

Learn how to use a lighter without hurting myself. I tried to be really romantic last night but only managed to burn my thumb with an open flame. Twice. Who knew you'd have to tilt the candle instead of the light.

Be a good student and do the assignments I wrote out for myself because I get really mad when other people ignore my little To-Do-lists for them (I even use color codes for their names. I'm far gone) while at the same time I just groan every time I think about my own. I'm putting them off by writing this at this very moment.

Decide if I should splurge on heeled shoes or wait for it to get warmer and get myself some nice sandals instead. I mean, the shoes I could probably wear to my internship as well because I hear it gets pretty cold there, but I should also have some office-suiting flats because I don't want to lose all feeling in my toes by the tender age of 21. In conclusion, do I need three new pairs of shoes now? I almost want to think so.

 Go to Australia and take a trip to the supermarket. I saw a documentary about a girl who got discovered as a model that way and never had to return to her homecountry because she's making such good money being a foreigner in the secluded Australian fashion world. And if that doesn't work, I can still marry a doctor who develops groundbreaking sun lotion for surfers in his free time (same documentary. The guy married a journalist that he took home on his bike - that could have totally been me, too lazy to walk).

Not be intimitated by the life masterplan a friend who's a year younger than me has confronted me with - it included his "own philosophy" that he wants to "carry out into the world", traveling by foot with his girlfriend who "has written a book", all while "blogging a bit, maybe going into journalism" (no, you can't do that. I study three exhausting years in a brickbuilding filled with lunatics to be able to do that, so don't you dare become successful before I do. I'm a nice person, by the way). I'm not even gonna mention the webshop he's programmed and the band he's involved with. I was already annoying all fellow commuters with my chirpy voice memo reply ("That sounds so interesting! I don't even know what to say!" Do you have all the immunizations you need?). Nothing new, as my public conversations are usually frowned upon. They prefer sad silence on the train.

May's gonna be good, lovelies. As soon as I find that photographer.


Rosy Smith


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