
Bad Summaries

by - April 23, 2017

Apparently, as my parents used to tell me, I never do summaries but always re-tell the story. Let's try again at this:

Takeaway one: If you marry an artist, you're likely to live in a great loft with lots of cool pieces of his work at the walls, and a room full of books and paper and canvas and supplies and paint where you get hit by so much creative energy that you stumble back and down three espressi like it's juice. If your artist is successful, that is. Doesn't sound too bad, does it?

Takeway two: Putting a magazine together involves up- and downswings, meaning that you're on a excitement-filled, high-spirited roll sometimes and other times you wish you could fire everyone around you. Then you realize you're in college and no one's gonna leave, so you might as well be nice. Also, if someone asks a fashion-related question, just repeat it loudly while looking at every single person at the table like you want to give off the question to show off leadership skills when in reality, you hope no one realizes that you don't give a fling about current events.

Takeaway three: Warehouse concerts are still the same as they were when I was fifteen and had a crush on a certain band guy. There's smoke in your hair, people jumping like maniacs and bumping into you (I don't even know what happened but after one big guy ran into me, my cheek of all places hurt) and the base drum cracks at the end of the set. However, live music that vibrates in your ears is always kinda cool.

Takeaway four: You shouldn't talk about long distance before trying it because it's not fun to talk about based on friends of friends who only provide poor statistics of making it work. Give me some success-stories, lovelies, will you?


Rosy Smith

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