
Technical Difficulties

by - March 12, 2017

So I need to get going in an hour which means I gotta get ready in about twenty minutes 'cause I celebrate that process as much as the going-out part. I'm done with the first week of the semester and it was....endurable, even though it took some strength.

See, the one good thing that could be said about our private school, where white Apple products are a religion and ootd instagram posts the prayer, was the fact that we had free wifi and a mirror in the elevator. This week, however, both these gifts were cruelly taken from us, all at once. I had been in for barely thirty seconds when I realized that and got ready to turn around and leave. But I'm a good girl, so I stayed and tried to make the most of it, which wasn't much; the workshop I had was about local journalism and we were supposed to find something interesting going on in the city (pick the one thing. Goodness)  to write about. A connection to the internet would've surely helped us there.

I just had to google the third Jonas Brothers's name. Kevin it is. Like the one in Home Alone, he seems to be easily forgotten.

In other news, I got a new phone, and I tried to download Twitter (also, where can I sign that petition for Snapchat for Windows? Tell me it's not just a myth!) and I think I got to a point in my life where I need to write down my passwords. Just when I think of one for the Microsoft account I have to confirm that by checking my googlemail and I obviously don't remember how to get in there so I have to reset that by clicking on the link in another email in a different account....Let's say it took me  a while. Now I got the four apps that I actually use, but I still have to get used to the sheer size of the phone; I'm still in that phase where dropping it seems like dropping a newborn baby, because it is still so, well, unbroken. That will pass, too, I know.

It's a beautifully sunny Sunday,the first flowers of the year are out and my eyes are watering with the first cold of the year, just in time. Along with my hair proteins, my iron supplements and my dose of cranberry, I have three cold fighters nicely lined up in a pile on the table, reminding me of my late grandparents (except they were in their eighties when they had aquired this level of pills. Well.). I'm not a defender of the "meds don't help when you have a cold" theory, unlike some people. People who will, since they never take stuff to make them feel better and end up feeling like crap when they're sick, certainly avoid me if they find out that I am, so one more reason to eliminate this nuisance as fast as I can.

Hope your weekend runs smoothly and without the need for a tissue.


Rosy Smith

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  1. some people have more interest in fashion than any other thing and they always think about it even in the class.

  2. Hey Rosy. Congratulations for getting a new phone. You reminded me about my college days how we used to do make up and hair styling in elevator.
