
I bet you didn't expect that....

by - June 22, 2016

....I'm in a standing train and there is a couple outside my window and they keep kissing in an infuriating way. I'm all for passionate kissing at train stations, but they're just doing little dry pecks on the lips, not once, but always a couple of times in a row, which looks like chicken picking corn. It's positively disturbing.

How not to take a compliment

I told my English teacher, who is absolutely lovely, how I really hate graphic design (can't stress it enough) beforehand, but not in these words, so she wanted to cheer me up.

"You got an eye for color, though!"
"Well, I can dress myself."

At least she thought it was funny.
Is it obvious that it's time for finals?

I could swear I've just written about finals being hell but here I am, letting everything slide and trying to justify it by complaining about actually having to work for college. Like that's big news. I feel like I never even stopped doing that since last time. But, in proven self-absorbed manner, I'll grant myself this month for getting my ish together and pretending it never happened. I'm good at that. Ignorance, I mean.

There's some exciting stuff coming up, actually, so I'll make a real comeback!

I'd tell you about it but it wouldn't be half as fun that way so I won't, but I thought I'd tell you I will, 'cause then y'all have to stay tuned until I come around. Ain't I genius? I'll give you a sneak peak, though (now, who says I'm not nice): If everything goes well tonight, me and my loveliest friend will have something to look forward to a little later this summer – something far away....

Yes, I just declared my vacation planning to be exciting news for everyone. Self-absorbed, remember?

And keep in mind, everything is alright with you as long as you take your chance on proper kissing at stations whenever you have it.


Rosy Smith

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