
Things I'd tell my younger self - 2011/12 era

by - August 18, 2015

Maybe you know these meetings with friends you've known for a long time-so long that you still wore braces back then- that turn into a trip down memory lane....Opening boxes and looking at pictures and generally discussing long bygone events like anybody besides you two would still remember them. That recently happened to me and with all the "we should have been more...." and a look into my old diaries, I decided to make some points clear to my young and foolish self.

You are NOT in love with him. You have absolutely no idea what love is. I must know, because I probably still don't have much of a clue about it, but you're most certainly not in love with this self-absorbed, arrogant, ordinary, stupid, weak, crooked-nosed, mean, absolutely uninteresting boy. So stop fussing around and getting frustrated when you could be so happy about the fact that you're not together with him, and forced to get near that gruesome person and spend time with his dumb friends.
He wears scarves in all honesty- how naive are you, lovely?
And STOP writing these pathetic song lines about him, 'cause they're no good and they're only making me cringe SO much because I never think about him at all now, and if I do, it's in complete astonishment (why? WHY?).

Anyways, you just might be a little in lust with this senior guy in the band, but you'll be fine. I mean, you're not gonna get any closer to him within the next four years (sadly), and you'll still loose all your senses whenever you see him and wish you could be happily ever after (badly), but you'll be fine. There will be someone else, someone you actually know something more about than that "he's so gorgeous".

Be mean when you have to. Tell your best friend to tell that psychotic person to screw himself, because really, he doesn't deserve a single second of her thought and he's got some serious mental problems - I guess it's got something to do with self-esteem/sex drive issues and someone has to tell him he needn't worry so much about his tiny....co mmon sense since nobody would want to know more about it after hearing him talk, anyway. Say that. Don't be sorry about it. Don't be polite, because in three years from now, you'll read those messages and see that he's been a douche at all times and you've been way to nice to him. So be more mean.

And while you're at it, don't be so annoyingly kind to that one girl- I know you secretly start to dislike her and hon, it won't get better, so cut the act and ignore her.

Please don't part your hair so deeply to the side. And don't you dare pair that parting with black clothes and pink lipgloss and call it punk-rock chic. It's hideous and I know you mean well and feel super fashion forward, but it's embarrassing to this day and makes you look like the awkward teen you never really were. And why would one want to voluntary dress like that?

Don't feel the need to invite boys to your 15th birthday. Trust me.

Don't filter. Simply make those fabulous sarcastic remarks you have in mind all the time. They're seriously funny and the people who are put off or worse, don't get them, are people you don't need in your life. Don't think so much - or rather, do think out loud, in front of everyone. It'll be fun.

I have to get back on that sidepart again. It's just so wrong. Also, get some heeled boots for winter and wear more skirts, because they look dang good on you. Take Anna Wintour's advice and don't ever put together an all black outfit until you know how to be elegant in it. Oh, and don't clip your hair up in that little curly wannabe-an-updo. Get a curling iron and use it, for God's sake. Your split ends won't get better, no matter what you do, so you might as well put heat on them as much as you need to get nice and soft curls.

I think I'll stop here, 'cause really, you're already doing pretty well. Write every day. Play the piano and sing all the time. And dance, always dance.


Rosy Smith

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