
Get some insight....August

by - August 23, 2015

Oh, August, you've been good to me. Starting of with that beautiful Sunday I described as "joie de vivre" (my favorite phrase this month), my calendar was filled with nice and pretty things such as meeting friends, doing Ballet, shopping, going to the movies, getting a haircut....and with this summer of freedom, a certain sense of nostalgia came upon us, especially after rewatching "High School Musical 3- Senior Year" and lying under the stars, reminiscing. Not of the bad kind, though - don't worry, lovelies, we'll continue to be fabulous together. Life will just get even more exciting (even if it means getting up at a certain time and going out will be for weekends again):

Since I am starting Fashion School this fall (you'll find out more soon. But I like how omniscient it sounds) I am currently preparing for it, both mentally (meaning imaginary scenarios of either a fabulous bunch of girls and academic as well as everything-else-success or, on days I'm clinging to my sweet life of independence, terrifying visions of rainy days spent studying alone on the train) as well as materalisticly. I've been shopping for a bag to fit my laptop in (as well as my filofax, make-up supply as I'll probably be doing my make up on the ride cause I don't know if I'll be able to get ready this early, hand sanitizer and other life savers) and I finally decided on one after irritating the sales assistants at every single store with a ruler my mom and I bought after getting the paranoia that the bag might not be big enough. In fact, they were so happy to check us out that they apparently forgot to undo the bulky security thing, which is why we caused the alarm system to angrily beep at us as we went out  - that has happened to me only recently, and it was a mistake back then, so I urged my mom to "just keep on walking", which, looking back, will probably make us look even more suspicious on the security tape.

Hence the occasion, I'm really into the song "International Smile" by Katy Perry, because it's the vibe I wanna radiate when I'm out and about - You know, since a lot of strangers are going to see me every day (on the above mentioned train; you might have realized by now that I'm not sure how I feel about that yet and cope by inserting it into all my sentences), I've been thinking about the way I'd like to be noticed and these lyrics just came in handy (always would have, actually):

Style-goals: Hard to say since I feel like taking a late summer spin on Lana Del Reys 60's lady/pin-up vibe right now, but for fall, I'm picturing myself in a sorta glamorous, sorta easy-breezy (can't believe I wrote that, but it's late, so bear with me) stack of clothes in colors such as tan, grey, the never disappointing black, deep red, berry red (there's a difference), maybe some emerald, oh, and beige, but only pieces which don't have a beigey attitude. Well, the usual fall colors- for shapes think pencils skirts, cropped sweaters with 3/4 length sleeves, vintagy camis with cozy cardigans, short shift dresses and some really finely knitted, nicely fitting shirts, because they go with anything and look like you actually groomed yourself. That might even be the point of all these items which, even if only randomly thrown together, speak for themselves. The gist of it all, I guess, is to look like I'm busy but elegant with a personal spin. Since that sounds a little obscure on its own, a fashion post might be coming your way....

My current obsession: The Meaning of Sunglasses: A Guide to (Almost) All Things Fashionable by Hadley Freeman. “Logos are the bleating of the insecure, desperate for acceptance by the chronically shallow. ” - What I've been trying to tell my high school class mates for four years straight in one phrase. The part about clutches?  Had me in stitches. The part about Fashionspeak? Made me feel like I was geniuely prepared for fashion school. In fact, the whole book gave me a more cheerful attitude towards starting soon because it reminded me of why I love fashion journalism so much (It's got a lot to do with being able to use pretty words and sarcasm in one sentence).

Anyways, what about boys? Summer's been pretty good in that respect, 'swell, and I'll tell you why exactly: Because I've not been hung-up on somebody so badly I couldn't think of anything else. Of course, I have thought about one or another of them for their respective share of time, but right now, I'm in that state in which anything could happen but I'm quite alright imagining it all. Who knows how long I'll be this content, so I'll treasure my carefreeness while it lasts.

I hope your August was as gorgeous as mine was. And keep in mind, it's not over yet.


Rosy Smith

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