
The Crush.....

by - July 03, 2015

.....it is kind of a weird concept, actually. If you have a crush on somebody, you're not in love with them. Still, you're not only in lust, most of the time. A real crush implies that you desperately want to be with this person and that your range of feelings varies from euphoric dancing on the street to writing really bad, really mean, really sulky love songs about the subject of your devotion (guilty). That can all be seriously fun. However, the one rule that always must be followed is this one: Don't ever mistake a crush for real love, because if you do, you're already in for some emotionally wrecking trouble.
To avoid such, here are some basics to recognize your feelings towards somebody as a case of crush....

1.Seeing him yawn can make you lose all interest you might have ever had in him.

That actually happens to me A LOT. Like, it's gotten to a point where whenever I notice a good-looking guy starting to yawn, I hastily look away to not ruin the decent impression they made. Nobody looks good while yawning. Nobody.

2.His new haircut makes you realize everything that is wrong with his face.

That's sad, but it saved you from a relationship solely based on some hair. One less bad story, lovelies.

3.You've never actually communicated with each other.

Also sad, but a pretty clear sign for a good ol' crush. Chances are that you are too shy and vulnerable to even think about giving him a signal (what even is a signal? Smiling? I smile at people all the time but I most certainly don't want to have any further contact with all of them. Leaning in when you talk? Firstly, that's offensive and secondly, you don't talk, remember?) and it would probably (bet on it) not work out at all if you did, because you don't really know this person. Leading to the next point:

4.You have planned out every single phase of your yet-to-exist relationship, sometimes even the break-up.

You meet, you crush, then you find yourself imagining a first date, a romantic slide show of couple-y activities, and then, for the hell of it, your first fight. Suddenly, you get bored of all the love and harmony going on in your fantasy world and you experience irrational fear of having to be with him forever, so you think of reasons to have a passionate fall-out followed by a heartbreaking goodbye scene, both preferably in the pouring rain. Still, it all only takes place in your mind.
That already doesn't sound normal, don't you think? And if it's not normal, then it's a crush.

I sincerely hope this helps. And if not, well, sorry.


Rosy Smith

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