
The Prince Phenomenon

by - June 17, 2015

Subject in question
No questions needed, we all agree she's beautiful

So, recently, in the far away empire of Sweden, a little girl's dream has become reality. Well, for one girl at least: Sofia Hellqvist married Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and became a princess (as well as Duchess of Värmland, but let's leave that aside). The personally arranged wedding ceremony was perfect, the looks the couple exchanged were so loving and rawly emotional one had to hold back tears of joy (and jealousy), the bride looked gorgeous, just like a princess is supposed to- and the Prince?

His Royalty was a hot topic between my loveliest friend and me, mostly concerned with his hotness. As you may or may not know, I have a serious problem with curls and longer hair on men. The Prince, while having a very nicely shaped face, had his dark hair slicked back with lots of gel or something, and that's a definite deal-breaker to me. Also, he's 36 years old, and while I do go for older guys, that's a tad bit too old for me to find him attractive. However, I would use the term "good-looking". My friend, though, would use the term "insanely hot" and just couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that there were people who didn't see anything in him.
To confirm this phenomenon, she even collected statistical data, and I proudly present the results:

I think the Prince is:
Super hot: 5
Really attractive but not my type: 2
Alright: 2
Rather good- than bad-looking: 1
Ew: 2

See how different the opinions on hotness are? Now, what are we to believe in when it comes to judging looks? How are we to pick out a blind date for a friend ever again, when nothing is valid and everything goes? Would our friends still frown upon our new boyfriend even though we presented them a certified royal heartbreaker?

This dilemma is sort of a sequel to the moccasin-problem I mentioned here.
There are certain standards which commonly define a good-looking man, but they do not seem to guarantee attractiveness. Which is sad, of course, because imagine you're a guy who's got all the good things, such as a jawline, toned body, nice hands, black lashes, sparkling eyes.... And half of the girls don't even care 'cause he simply doesn't do it for them. Or worse, his dream girl only loves him for his great personality. That sounds like a twisted, superficial take on the topic of love, since it's usually the other way around, but trust me, that probably wouldn't feel too great either.

So, let's hope that Princess Sofia  is completely and hopelessly in love with both the air and personality of her fairytale Prince - from what one could see, it certainly seems so.

And now that they are happy ever after, where are the real princes of my generation? I'd like to marry royal too, pretty please....

Rosy Smith

Ps: Many thanks to my loveliest friend and all participants for the statistics!


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