Get some insight....June

by - June 30, 2017

4th of June: Me being completely, honestly happy and watching ducks ducking.

10th of June: Me being slightly confused, but still very happy. Also, "Alien - Covenant" is the worst movie I've ever seen, and I have seen bad ones.

16th of June - now: Me being inconsolably sad. And yes, here's the disclaimer: Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely aware that I am a very lucky girl in so many aspects of life. But reminding yourself of that doesn't help all of the time. In fact, in some cases, it just keeps you from dealing with whatever's hurting you, because you'll feel guilty for feeling bad on top of everything. So let's just keep that in mind.

Wow, this is my second draft and let's just say it reads even more depressing than the first one even though it's not half as oversharing. Well. Priorities, I guess?

Let's liven this up a little, lets see....I've finished watching The Nanny and even though the lovey-dopey-ness of Fran and Mr. Sheffield got a tad annoying in the end, I can't believe I haven't watched this sooner because I bet it would've inspired me during my teens. Maybe I'd be married by now? Ha.

I think I'll close this now before I try to sell you the fact that my loveliest friend and I made it to the ice cream parlor 30 seconds before closing time yesterday night as some kind of achievement.

More of this hard-hitting investigative journalism to come.


Rosy Smith

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  1. your 16th June update resonated with me! i am feeling sad like this as well! like i feel so lonely! even though so many people around me

    1. It sucks, doesn't it? Hope you'll feel better soon! x Rosy
