
Would you rather....

by - August 10, 2016

....scandalous questions usually follow this start of a sentence, and most of the time, you'd rather burn your mouth than answer them, because there's no way you can keep your decency no matter what you choose to respond. I'll demonstrate quickly:

"Would you rather kiss this guy who's drooling every time he opens his mouth or marry the one with the serial killer look on his face?"
You're screwed quicker than you can say "betweenarockandahardplace".

Having stated that, I was recently asked a "would you rather"- question that actually made some sense to me. It might be of use to you, too, if you're as vague as me about decisions and can't ever just say yes or no (especially no) to something. I like to use weird metaphors instead, so in the end, people are even more confused about my opinion than they already were.

My close friend, knowing this and therefore trying to empathize with my untellable vibe, asked me in reference to my almost kinda sorta relationship:

"But would you, like, rather go on vacation with him or break up?"

The key to figuring out your status, really! I mean, if you're kinda sorta almost together with someone, you probably wouldn't call it quits just out of the blue for no reason at all. But going on vacation with each other takes some serious trust, devotion, and a minimal amount of fondness. You don't realize how much there is to be embarrassed about simply existing while on vacation until you share a room with someone who's neither your silbling nor your best friend who has as many spleens as you do. Let me just throw two things out there: Sharing a bathroom and a blanket. There's a good chance I'd break up with somebody before making that sort of a commitment - if I didn't like him a good bit, that is. So much, in fact, that I'd have started to toy with the idea of a vacation being really romantic and picturesque and all red roses and Paris skylines, and have forgotten all about the risky parts/chosen to ignore them until I have to deal with them for real.

In conclusion, when you're not sure whether you like somebody you're involved with or like, really like them (oh the differentiation and accuracy of this sentence), just ask yourself if you'd be willing to let them see the amount of skin cleansers you need in order to not break out or if, thinking about it, you could easily live your life without their presence in it.

My pleasure.


Rosy Smith

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