
Get some insight....August

by - August 30, 2016

Here we are again! I feel like it was yesterday that I was writing the August insight from last year. It might have something to do with my slight obsession with last year's summer months, when I was freshly out of school, not yet in college, and had all the time in the world on my hands. The weather was great, too. So this year I was eagerly awaiting these months and pledged to make the most of them. Let's see if/how I suceeded with that within the last 30 days....

I have a ton of stuff to write that actually needs to be finished but I have postponed it for so long that I'm now juggling those assignments like raw eggs and pray that I'll have the darn discipline to get them done before the 12th of September. Which is when school starts for me. Two of these writing things are meant for school, so that would be a reason. The third one is way more cool  (not that I don't like writing for school as I enjoy it in general and should be, since I'm over here pretending I'm a writer) because someone else asked me to do it and you'll know all about it VERY SOON (the capitals are meant to demonstrate urgency. To myself.).

Fun Fact: Someone I wanted to see last August and I spent about 33 hours together during 11th/12th. It wasn't because of the fact that we've been seeing each other for six months that date, but I noticed it (he probably didn't but no sane person would if they didn't share my fixation on their calendar). So, this is the biggest amount of hours we've ever spent within 5 feet of each other and I'm pleased to state that none of us seemed to want to kill the other person.
I also met a friend of his for the first time. An excerpt of our conversation, during which I surely impressed the friend immensly: Him -"So, do you like motor sports?" (we were at a race car event, so that made sense) "My dad does." "Well....what about you?" "Oh. Me? Hm."
It was raining, too, so my hair made it impossible for me to at least blind him with beauty. Hm.

To tell or not to tell someone there's still a price tag on their clothes? Please, do tell me when I am in the safety of your home, trying to put together an interview on social anxiety with you, dolled up in a navy shift dress with white polka dots and heeled sandals and red lipstick to appear professional in a 30s kind of way, probably failing to do so because of  the bright red sales stamp dangling from my back zipper. Please, don't tell me when I am parking my car really badly in a public parking lot, leaving the windows rolled down because it's super hot and I'm wearing an autumn dress, ready to sprint over to the ice cream parlor, while you are driving by and I have no idea who you are but I'm already determined to never see you again because of the humiliation. That's my take on this.

I need to stop telling people all about my college identity crisis as soon as they utter the phrase "And how's school?". The girl who used to sit next to me in math and served me at the ice cream parlor - I bet she didn't care that much. The friend of his whom I already discussed my lack of passion for motor sports with - I bet he thinks I'm crazy now. The thing is, I can't vaguely say "It's okay" or lie for the sake of it and say "It's great". No, I have to look away as if in deep inner pain, make non-identifiable sounds and sigh "Oooh....weeellll...." and wait for people to be sympathetic. Note to self: People aren't sympathetic, they're irritated. It irritates me. Please talk to me about unsignificant stuff, like price tags.I can handle that with more grace.

I also met up with friends I'm not constantly sharing my deepest thoughts with in 4 minute voice memos consisting of my plans for the day when I really have none anyways. It's nice, too. I made approximately 100 bowls of noodle soup (I have a specific way of making it and I intend to pretend it's something extraordinary. It's the only dish I enjoy making, partly because it takes 5 minutes), went to the beach, read a book that makes me want to be the main character, just without the sadness and the tragedy - The Jewel Box by Anna Davis. I also bought a stack of new clothes and sewed (fantastic, if I may say so myself) darts into a skirt to have something to do while watching four seasons of 2 Broke Girls and 1 1/2 of New Girl.

Good times, lovelies. I got about two weeks left, and I'm sure that between being good and working on my assignments I'll squeeze in some fun.


Rosy Smith

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