
It's Snowing....BLOGMAS DAY 10

by - December 10, 2017

It was snowing this afternoon, but it didn't stick until I got out for a chocolate run around eight and was surprised to be walking on a fresh layer of whiteness on the ground. Also, I forgot how stingy snow gets in your eyes when you're walking against the wind. But it looked really pretty and I could go back to my place and have some chocolate, so I for one enjoyed it. I'm actually excited to see if it'll still be there tomorrow.

Oh, I also remembered that the complete Gilmore Girls series is up on Netflix, and since I have finished Jane the Virgin so far (oh my God I was absolutely devastated by the finale) I figured I could squeese a little rerun in until my subscription runs out. Season four, here I come.

To be honest, I didn't do much else today - I planned on going to dance class but ended up skyping with my mom for three hours and showing off all my beauty products I got at the magazine. And watching the cat, who always looks to see where my voice is coming from. So yeah, I guess you could call that a quiet Sunday. It's the day of rest, after all. Ha.

Ah, what I did do is cut a black slogan t-shirt cropped (very short. I'll have to wear another cropped top underneath it if I don't plan on never raise my arms or shrug at all) and use the bottom of it to cut out a cold-shoulder shirt. I might be a design candidate after all.

See, so I was almost productive and very much relaxed, which is an accomplishment all on its own, isn't it?

Hope you were, too.


Rosy Smith

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