
February is the new January....

by - February 17, 2016

....Remember how people were talking about the January Blues, and how SAD everything seems after New Year's has passed and one doesn't have an excuse to eat all day and watch movies anymore, and how nobody needs snow after Christmas?

Well, turns out things don't necessarily get better in February. This isn't a personal concern, 'cause I'm actually quite cozy at home right now, but rationally thinking about it, these misfortunes come up:

Falling in love isn't fun in February. Nobody wants to do that at this point. All people want is get warmer, get a different job and go to a different place, and all of that is possible and probably better if you do it all by yourself, 'cause one is usually a bit cranky during this month and not in the mood to put up with a different opinion on top of it all. One should always try and fall in love in May. Or, even better, in August.

I mentioned it: It's still as cold as it can be. There's still snow, which is an unsolicited attempt of compensation for its absence at Christmas.  The past is the past, my friend, and all our thoughts go towards Spring, where we've heard it gets better.

It's one of those funeral months. That's probably not a statistically proven fact. However, I feel like February is especially suited for a crying sky.

Valentine's Day. Oh, please. Who thought it'd be a good idea to celebrate those butterflies at a time when all you want is be left alone with your blanket and a nicely unrealistic novel? See above: I'd suggest May or August instead.
And all this talk about how you don't need to be in a relationship to have Valentine's Day. I'm suspecting people made that up because of all the After-Christmas-Breakups in January, there weren't enough consumers who'd buy the cheesy cards and freshly cut flowers. Candy had no sales problems, though, 'cause no one cares for the heart shape as long as there's chocolate.

Times are a'changing in February. In January, while things might be dull, at least everyone and everything is still numb and unable to move (food coma and all). Now, however, life starts to roll again, and that means things happen. Some good, some bad, some sad. Still, people aren't in the position to deal with them yet. I know I'm not. In April, maybe. April seems like a good month to get your life together.

For now, I suggest we all take a break from the exhaustion February is confronting us with. Mine is to go skiing and pretend it's Christmas all over again. What's yours?


Rosy Smith

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