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Me Shamelessly Cropping People Out Of Photos |
....dead-tired, even after (or because of?) sleeping in as late as I've only done in summer of 2017, and that was post-breakup-depression napping, so I don't know what's up with that, but it has to stop 'cause it's getting on my nerves.
....getting the urge to clean out every single junk drawer in my room and replace their contents with stuff I actually use. Problem is, now I don't know what to do with the junk (I am NOT throwing it out, that is not the kind of person I am and we all have to accept that).
....watching How I Met Your Mother Reruns and listening to an old 3OH!3 album and Carrie Underwood songs in my unusally cleaned-out room for hours, listening to my loveliest friend's voice memos (she would have to tell way more exciting things this month, that's for sure) and feeling like I'm 14 again. Must be the impending doom of life responsibilities. Did I tell you I canceled a dentist appointment and just, like, never called again? I ghosted my dentist. It's unfair, I know, but I'm just not ready for serious commitment right now.
But on the other hand, there are quite a few reasons to look forward to February:
First and foremost, my hair! I get it done this week and all of my future fantasy scenarios focus on me looking fabulous with shiny, heat-curled, reasonably-full (let's not get ahead of ourselves here) tresses. For instance,
- me getting my college diploma
- me going to the theatre to see Romeo & Juliet in a jeans-and-white T-Shirt production
- me attending the farewell-party of my bestest friend
- me visiting my bestest friend in Rome
- me going back to Hamburg and seeing my fellow interns again
- me flying in to celebrate a family party (I'm the only single grandchild but damn, I'll have lovely hair)
January just got a whole lot more sizzling, didn't it? Let me see your lists - everything gets better when you write it down. Trust me.
Rosy Smith